CalPleadings – Pleading Templates for California Courts

– Includes Tools For Format, Discovery Phrases, Table of Contents & Authorities –

Individual California Court Pleading Forms
Individual California Superior Court pleading templates and forms can now be purchased separately from CalPleadings. If your need is for single case use, or single court filings, then purchasing an individual pleading template is an economical choice.
US District Court (California) Pleading Forms
Correspondence Templates for Any Office
- – Letterhead, Fax Cover, Memo, Envelope, Avery Label Templates
– Integrates with Microsoft Outlook, other contact management programs
– Standardize document production across multiple law offices
– Option to add legal pleading templates
Microsoft Word & Outlook Training
Word Automation instructors are experienced and professional, with exceptional listening skills and a commitment to providing appropriate training and solutions for your business environment.
We use original sample documents from your business document workflow during our training process; avoiding generic, “packaged” training that often doesn’t translate well to specific office settings.
WordPerfect to Word Conversions
Word Automation also offers technical services to convert a wide range of WordPerfect macros and merge codes to Microsoft Word. This includes WordPerfect templates and forms that are used with document management and case management systems such as Worldox, ProLaw, and PerfectLaw.